One of us works in the shade of the park

One of us works in the shade at the park


Pam organized a beautiful Journey Daybook experience on a clear summer day in High Springs last Friday.There were 5 of us who worked in the public park and nearby museum until just after Noon when we gathered for our usual review back in the museum. Pam arranged an introduction to the museum and to the Springs Institute, the office of which is located on Main Street. We walked very quickly in the hot sun to the Great Outdoors, a restaurant in the center of town that has served delicious food for years. We enjoyed the presence of Dot Harvey for lunch. Dot is the Communications Director of the High Springs Chamber of Commerce and a great ambassador for North Central Florida. We felt so welcomed by Dot, the museum volunteers, and the proprietor of the Lanza Gallery and Art Supply store, where we each did a little shopping before leaving this beautiful town at 2 PM. Thank you so much Pam for making this Adventure very special for us!

Peggy's page

Peggy’s page

Sue's page of St Bartholomew's Church

Sue’s page of St Bartholomew’s Church

A Report from Last week’s High Springs Adventure | 2016 | Uncategorized
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