FWRC#5We completed training our fifth group of women inmates at the Florida Reception Center State Prison this week. The individuals of his group learned the same principles as do all of our “new” JDB participants – most of whom pay for a retreat where they learn journey daybook practice and principals. When the 7 unit program is complete, the inmate participants also become Journey Daybook Alumni. This week the prison participans “graduated” and received certificates from our non-profit that marked this milestone. Here we all are – the inmates, our JDB alum, Erica, who is our inmate intern, Sandy, a new alum from the “outside,” and 6 of our volunteers: Patty, Susan, Karen, Peggy, Barbara, and Pam.

Fifth Journey Daybook Introductory Retreat at the Florida Women’s Reception Center | 2016 | Uncategorized
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